Playful Adults. Happy Children.

In the chaos of adult life, embracing playfulness is crucial. Adults need to show children the importance of joy and spontaneity. Studies reveal that being playful promotes creativity, reduces stress, and strengthens social connections. By prioritizing play, we enrich our lives and shape a brighter future for our children. Let's integrate play into our daily routines for optimal well-being.


Join us for a community event promoting healthier, active lifestyles for families. Parents can let their inner child shine alongside their kids. Engage in movement, laughter, and creativity with games, challenges, dance, and art. Register for €3 per person, free for kids under 12. Payment via MB Way or PayPal. Entry includes water and fruit.

What is a “Mother”?

She is a Mysterious woman because one can rarely tell the secrets and desires locked within so she may put you first. She is a being who is Original in her ways -having birthed you. She is Timeless because her ways leave behind markings and footprints, even when she has passed on. She is a Healer nursing anything from cuts …

A Mother’s Journey

Being of this world we need to physically journey through to make ends meet, care for our children and family, achieve dreams and so on. Women experience growth whereby we develop abilities to tap into nurturing qualities and make contribution to this world. However, equally and if I may say- more importantly, let us remember …