My Writing Experiment

First off, I am not a professional writer, I just like to write. I used to write a lot as young anguish-filled teenager. Then life's obligations slowly managed to bury that special escape into vast oblivion. Lately, I feel heavy. Very heavy. Something weighs on me. A sense of urgency is brewing within me - …

Sweet, Sweet Love

I'm in love with love, And love is in love with me. It pulls me in when I try to leave, It sparks warm memories with ease, Reminding me of how good it feels to love. And it does. I am stronger with love. I am love.

What is a “Mother”?

She is a Mysterious woman because one can rarely tell the secrets and desires locked within so she may put you first. She is a being who is Original in her ways -having birthed you. She is Timeless because her ways leave behind markings and footprints, even when she has passed on. She is a Healer nursing anything from cuts …

Her-Story of Love Divine

This story commenced in the 16th century. A dark night lurked at my open door taunting me with what was to come while the cunningly cool breeze made its way to me. This was the blackest of  night for my lover's duty was taking him from me across a vast body of water where he was to make his …

Angela’s Mantras

I thought I'd share a few of my mantras with you -with love. 🙂 Be curious. Be void of expectations. Intuition IS knowing. Love yourself so that you may love others. Be selfish to be selfless. Seek harmony in this world. Don't hold onto love, give love. Intuition is your true guide through life. I have …